I have to admit I am not the climbing hero I used to be (was I ever??) so I have updated my self image to some smooth dude with a quiff that would put Elvis to shame.
Apologies to the cool cartoonist I stole this from, but that is what you get for drawing me when I am looking the other way.
I thought about using the sock monkey but the little bugger has too much control in my life already so I don't need to promote him any further.
Update on the married woman in my life...we danced, we laughed and it is all cool. The sexual tension is there and it a is nice feeling for both of us to feel wanted in that way. Knowing it can't and wont go further has just turned it up a notch.
soooo, can she still blow you?, cauz bill says that's not sex.
I love that sexual tension!
I also love sock monkeys...but I'm kinda weird that way...;)
Unique Stephen, god I hope so.
Stacy, The tension is great but my boner is aching.
Sock monkeys rule, mine is a bit devious though.
I know what you mean, sometimes sexual flirting can be more fulfilling when it can't truly be fulfilled.
I'm not enrirely sure why, but I think it forms a part of blogging somewhere along the line.
I didn't inhale
Sexual tension is good for build up! I love the new pic...your super cool dude!
Crushed, a big part of blogging is about flirting. It is definitely part of the fun.
Kinfepainter, I was wondering if you were really Bill or are you some other politician wasting good smoke?
Jenny!, any more build up and I'm gonna blow. Glad you like the picture, it looks so like me it is uncanny.
I'm just a lonely ex-smoker my friend.
So Unique Stephen, Is your wife allowed to give other guys gobbies?
For what it's worth, I think you're very classy for being so restrained.
I've just read your blog from start to finish (following a plug from Ms Smack) & I've chuckled to myself, as well as been close to tears. Great stuff josh - keep up the good work :-)
Any objections to adding you to my blogroll?
Knifepainter, reformed smokers are the worst kind but better than a politician I suppose.
Steph, good question! Stephen??? Enquiring minds want to know.
As for classy, well its the first time I've been called that...you've got me blushing now.
Jin, I'll have to go give Miss Smack a big hug now! Glad you enjoy my ramblings.
of course - how about it - you, Josh wife and I for and a nice bottle of red before we go at it for a few hours.
Aye carumba... dangerous ground you're treding on mate. Keep us posted.
Unique Stephen, who says I need a bottle of wine to get in the mood? Lets take this discussion off line eh?
Miss Smack, watch this space...
Nice new av.Was hoping you would find a really nice dancing shoe.
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