"Hey, you wanna come to superdance with me tomorrow"
"I am working on Friday until 1:30 and WTF is superdance?"
"Cool, it opens at 2 - I was not going to spend all day there.."
"So what is it?"
"A shoe shop silly :)"
"WTF makes you think I want to go shoe shopping with you? I have never even gone shoe shopping with a GF before let alone a mate!"
"They are dance shoes!"
"Uh ok, count me in."
And there it is folks, with five little words I have been relegated to the roll of a straight man playing the gay shopping partner for a 21 year old hottie.
Here is hoping I find some new dance shoes, get laid or both...
Try not to talk too much
Bo Bo
Great advice.
perhaps you could take her to a shop which sells these
then she can model them for you - tell her she can leave her hat on.
You know Josh, the more I read about you, the more I think you are awesome. Guilt free, talks things through, (maybe too much, guess you're not perfect),sexually unafraid and you'll go shoe shopping.
Shame you're not a chef.....
You do know that women have a very special relationship with shoes dont you? This is tantamount to a "come in for a coffee" type invitation. Lucky man.
Unique Stephen
Please tell me your wife put you onto that website while hinting at birthday presents.
The thought of you in drag has Frankenfurter written all over it.
Well actually I have kept my culinary skills quiet for fear of looking like I am full of shit...
After this afternoon I understand that relationship all too well.
Sadly I only got the shoes, not the girl...but such great shoes.
Shoe shopping... nice! And I'm laughing at bo bo's comment!
Oooh. You got invited shoe shopping. You're so in. But remember, shoe shopping with girls is like eating garlic on a date. You can only have some if she has some.
So whatever you do, don't buy shoes unless she does!
At first I thought it was a name of a Night club, I was about to google it, LOL. Dance shoes hey...very cool. Soon, I will be going shopiing for some, my 3 kids want to dance, my 9 year old son had been urging me to send him to dance school.
Maybe we should talk....
You need to go back to Man School. You're a plucked eyebrow away from blowing strangers on the subway...
When in drag I go more for the tarty school girl look than the frankenferta thing. Amazing who looks twice.
Don't tell Bo Bo that, he will get a big head thinking he is funny or sumthink...
That is where I went wrong then...too many rules to go shopping with chicks.
I thought it was a club too at first. As for the kids, my only regret was that I never started dancing when younger.
Sounds dangerous. You know my email...
Now, now, just because you went a little Oscar Wilde during your writing course does not mean that shoe shopping while in the pursuit of poon will cause me to forget my preferred quarry.
Unique Stephen
Don't feel too special or pretty because Bo Bo looked at you (twice even). Hell, you at least have a pulse.
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