The bike is yet to provide more danger than an increased heart rate and surge of adrenaline. It is still surpassed in risk by activities like kite surfing in over 30 knots of wind as per yesterday afternoon.
Some how I have managed to retain my licence and all my skin despite the little red thoroughbred wanting to get up on it's back wheel and scream away with the slightest twist of the wrist.
I may be getting older and more under control but I have to laugh at every idiot in a car that honestly thinks there is some point in trying to race against a bike like this. I refuse to play the game. Mostly. There just is no point, I will save the heroics for the track days.
Other than that, the silly season has arrived, girls keep turning up to various parties in short little Santa dresses and I feel obliged to unwrap as many presents as I get offered. I blame the bike for my bad boy lifestyle right now.
I have a guest post to put up in a day or so that has been sitting in my inbox for some time now so I promise to dig it out and get it up here for your entertainement.
Hey Valentino, shouldn't you and your twisty wrist have been down in Melbourne last weekend for 'The World Ten Dance Championship'...
Welcome back, glad to hear you are getting to slutty it up at the xmas parties. Just need to find my santa now ;) and my biker!
*phew* Glad to hear you're not dead. Have fun with the little santa dresses... or the girls in them rather.
Fingers Sorry, no ballroom for me right now. Too busy with stuffing stockings.
Wee-h It is a tough job but some one needs to do it. You are probably the perfect pillion for that CBR.
Em Glad you are glad :)
Well, I could do with a little slutyness in my stocking this xmass - let me know if you've got some to spare.
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