Jul 27, 2008

It lives...

Wow, what a rush.

So since this is me writing this post it is safe to say that I survived my adventures. it was great fun, worked with some amazing people, performed my role to perfection (even if I say so myself!) and the best part is, that while my part was a success, others were no so lucky which means I have to do it all again some day.

I am excited about that and the idea of having a full year to prepare rather than a few months.

Some time soon I will get back on track with talk of other fun things and the mess that is my love life - as if you care but it is pretty funny right now.

See you all when I have done a months worth of washing.


Miss N said...

oh so mysterious.... I like it. But want to know more damn it!!!! :)

unique_stephen said...
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unique_stephen said...

It's good to see you back - so, looks like you'll be arranging that date then...

Ms Smack said...

Welcome back :)

Em said...

I'm glad you made it back, and I'm anxious to hear about your messed up love life. :-)

Dagny said...


fingers said...

What an amzing adventure.
Gripping stuff.
I felt as though I was right there with you, such is your flair for storytelling...

Anonymous said...

Good to know you are back in one piece!

Madam Z said...

I am so curious about what kind of "adventures" you had, that I am feeling dizzy! Can't you give even a hint to us poor souls who are not in your inner circle?

fingers said...

I think Josh is J Peterman...

Josh said...

Miss N All in good time. Statute of limitations and all that legal guff...

Unique Stephen Right now I have enough dates to open a fruit shop in Egypt. Which one are you talking about?

Ms Smack Always good to come back to your eyes.

Em Yes, looking forward to writing about it too :)

Dagny That is what I said too when I put my head on my own pillow.

Fingers It is thanks to the interpretive skills of readers like you that I can say so much with so few words.

Now stop telling everyone my real name.

Madam Z Do you really want in? The price can be too high for most.