You know you should not be surprised or disappointed but you are and can't help it.
You hang your head in shame at your stupidity at being duped.
Well, that is how I feel after shelling out the clams to see Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull.
The reviews were ok, even enthusiastic that they had pulled it off. I think they were paid or drugged or are sad fanboys who don't know a descent screenplay from used toilet paper.
It sucks big hairy balls. George Lucas is a fucking hack and deserves to have all his pencils confiscated lest he ever attempt to put them to paper again.
Sure, the first movie was the only really good one in the now quadrilogy and if there is another man out there that seems capable of making mountains of money out if shit sequels then Lucas is the man.
I should not be surprised he stuffed this one up too.
Harrison Ford must have needed the cash and Cate Blanchet (My Cate, what were you thinking?) should have known better.
I was bored. I actually turned my phone on to check the time and prayed for a call so I could leave the theatre. I laughed at one joke and only because it had nothing to do with the actual story on screen.
There was no need to jump the shark with this movie Mr Lucas. Fans would have enjoyed the ride with so much less.
Sure I sound like I have had a bad day and some may say I was not in the right mood for it.
Not so. Until 15 minutes into the film, I was having a great day. A fine meal with a fine woman after a successful day/week of work. I was looking forward to this movie. I was relaxed and had my sense of disbelief suspended and stowed in preparation for the 125 minute ride.
It was not me, it was the movie.
Do not spend your money.
Do not see the film.
Do not sully your eyes with the crap that is Indian Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull.